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The birth of Hibiscus flower

The Birth of Hibiscus Flower

Hibiscus ( Hibiscus rosa-sinensis , Family: Malvaceae) acts as an antiseptic, aphrodisiac, astringent, cholagogue, demulcent, digestive, diuretic, emollient, purgative, refrigerant, resolvent, sedative, stomachic and tonic.

All the parts of Hibiscus plant are useful medicinally. Hibiscus leaves are emollient, diuretic, refrigerant and sedative.

This is great for inflammation.

The Birth of Hibiscus Flower

Hibiscus leaves make excellent shampoo. Flower extract has been used in many folk remedies for liver disorders, high blood pressure and as aphrodisiac.
Hibiscus relieves stomach problems, sweetens breath and soothes nerves. An extract of the hibiscus flowers lower cholesterol content in blood serum and helps to prevent oxidation of LDL (bad cholesterol).
Daily uptake of Hibiscus tea is useful for reducing high blood pressure.
Hibiscus tea and infusion are rich in enzymes which slow down chemical processes in our body linked to breaking complex sugars and carbohydrate absorption.

Therefore, drinking 1-2 cups of this beverage on a regular basis can stimulate weight loss, and it is one of the most important health benefits of hibiscus tea. These antioxidants have been proven to lower risk of certain cancers. It is also a great bladder infection and constipation aid. Hibiscus is also high in vitamin C, which has a multitude of health benefits, including preventing illness and maintaining healthy skin.
Some hibiscus extracts have been shown to inhibit the herpes virus in experimental studies. It’s also been studied in relation to fertility regulation. There is great benefit to hormonal and mood balancing.
So this is a great medicinal source to get the body hydrated quickly.

Flower and Nature Photos Clicked by Kriti Bhargava

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